Important! New information about COVID-19 as of Jan. 21



In Sapporo, the number of people infected with COVID-19 is rapidly increasing as most of them are now infected with the Omicron variant.

 [Main features of Omicron variant]

・Highly infectious ⇒High number of infected people

・Incubation period is shorter ⇒Once infected, appearance of symptoms comes out within 2 or 3 days.

・Lower chance of causing severe symptoms if vaccinated twice.

Based on these features, Sapporo City has decided to focus on the inspection on family members living with an infected person so that those who need the medical care can receive it on time. 

For this reason, what to do “when you test positive” or “when you are informed by the person who tested positive” have changed as follows. 


<When you test positive>

1. Contact people whom you met within 2 days before the test or you had symptoms and who may have been infected (because you talked without a mask etc.), and contact your employer, school, etc. and tell them the following:

・the date on which you had symptoms (If no symptoms, the test date))

・check the most recent date on which you met them (to make sure whether you spent time together within 2 days before the test or you had symptoms)

2. Follow the direction of the Sapporo Public Health Office.


 <When you are informed by the person who tested positive> 

1. Ask him/her the following;

・the date on which s/he had symptoms (If no symptoms, the test date)

・check the most recent date on which you met them (to make sure whether you spent time together within 2 days before the test or he/she had symptoms)


2. Monitor your health condition, and if you have symptoms,go to 「If you have symptoms」.


3. If you have NO symptoms, check the possibility of infection.

(1) The last time you met the infected person was at least 3 days before s/he had symptoms (or s/he had a test if no symptoms).
⇒Possibility of infection is low.


If you are worried about infection, PCR and antigen tests are available free of charge.

Hokkaido Government HP(Japanese only):


(2) The last time you met the person was within 2 days before s/he had symptoms (or s/he had a test if no symptoms.)

A. You talked with the person without a mask for more than 15 minutes within the distance of less than 1m.

⇒Possibility of infection is high.

For 10 days including the date on which you met the infected person (if no symptoms, two days before the test date), do the following and monitor your condition.

・Take body temperature at least twice a day

・Refrain from non-urgent outings including work

・Avoid contact with other people

When you have symptoms such as fever,call #7119 or check [If you have symptoms].


B.  You DID NOT talk with the person without a mask for more than 15 minutes within the distance of less than 1m.
⇒Possibility of infection is low

If you are worried about infection,PCR and antigen tests are available free of charge.


 <If you have symptoms> 

●If you have a family doctor, consult with the doctor. (Please call before you visit.)


●If you DO NOT have a family doctor, call Emergency Medical Consultation Center Sapporo#7119 or 011-272-7119.

※You will hear the auto-message in Japanese. During the message, press 1-4 depending on what you want to consult about.

1:Medical advice or test regarding COVID-19

2:You tested positive and feel sick

3:Vaccination and its side effect

4:Sudden illness or injury other than COVID-19

※Languages: Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Thai, Malay


●If you can call in Japanese,

You can look up medical institutions that provide outpatient care and testing for fever patients.

Also, by usingWEB7119, you can find out where to consult.


 <Please remember!> 

Let us continue taking the following basic measures!

・Ventilate the room

・Wash and disinfect your hands

・Wear a mask properly


Sapporo City website:


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